Chartered Certified Accountants
Chartered Tax Advisers
Registered Auditors

Our Approach

We are committed to providing you with an effective, timely service in a friendly manner, so that you can be more successful. Our aim is to promote your success by being a valuable and supportive member of your team.

Your Partner

As a client of Crozier Jones, you will be assigned to an individual Partner, personally responsible for all the work we do for you. All our Partners are Fellows of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants with many years’ experience in helping to solve the commercial and financial problems of individuals and businesses.

Quality Checked

We were the first firm in South Yorkshire to be awarded a Quality Checked Seal by our professional body, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants.

No longer operating, ACCA Quality Checked was a scheme to help ACCA member firms to enhance the value of services they offered to their clients by applying best practice standards. The scheme officially recognised those firms that applied best practice by awarding an ACCA Quality Checked certificate and mark.

The scheme promoted the adoption of practical quality control procedures that were generally considered to be best practice by the accountancy profession. To obtain ACCA Quality Checked a firm had to demonstrate to an ACCA compliance officer that it had achieved the standard of excellence required. A firm had therefore to demonstrate that it applied appropriate quality assurance procedures to each area of its business, from practice management, filing and IT systems to accounts preparation, tax compliance work and other professional services. In addition, firms subject to statutory monitoring in respect of audit, insolvency or investment business, must have had a satisfactory monitoring visit outcome before they could be awarded ACCA Quality Checked.

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Our Fees

Our fees are based on the recommendations of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. In all cases our charges are calculated based on a number of common sense factors, mainly the complexity or difficulty of the work; the skill, labour, specialised knowledge and responsibility required of our staff; and the time spent on the work. As you will see, the time spent is one of these factors. You can minimise the time spent by always providing us with accurate records in good time and by dealing promptly with any queries which we may have.

Fees will normally be billed at appropriate intervals during the year and will be due for settlement within fourteen days. We reserve the right to charge interest on overdue accounts.
Many of our clients find payment by regular standing order to be simple and convenient and we welcome payment by this method as it assists our own budgeting. If you would like to pay in this way, please discuss the matter with the Partner responsible for your affairs.

We apologise for dwelling on the subject of cost but we find that this is one of the greatest areas of potential misunderstanding between accountant and client and we hope the above will help to avoid this in our case.

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